
For us, every moment is time to get big histories.

And that's how it all started, around 1500 BC. It was the sundial that guided humanity for many years. As time went by, there was also an evolution and the need to improve the mechanisms to better orient people.

With technological advances, opportunities arose. And then in 1952, HERWEG was born, a company concerned with the quality of the products offered and the satisfaction of customers, suppliers and partners, always guided by excellence in results. Over the decades, HERWEG has always tried to keep up with its commitments.

We mark not only the time, but also the lives of thousands of people.

Along with the production process HERWEG creates trends, being a reference to the national scenario.

Without neglecting modernity and personality, they have always been the main marks of the company.

Proof of this progress is the inspection standard and the care with the products, where already in the factory undergoes a strict quality control. As a result, the company today collects quality certificates for everything produced, including 9001.

E aí com o tempo vem o merecido reconhecimento de que trabalha com a HERWEG, o que faz dela umas das marcas mais lembradas no segmento de relógios de parede e de despertadores digitais e analógicos.

As time goes on everything changes. Including HERWEG, which has a team that does not last a single minute and is prepared to use it in your favor. That is why every second always puts it ahead in search of better quality of life for many people.

If in the history of mankind the clock has always been the main reference of time, the one with time wants to be the reference of people, after all, everything has its time.


Relatório de Transparência e Igualdade Salarial de Mulheres e Homens

O Relatório de Transparência Salarial que está sendo publicado na data de hoje, 28/03/2024, foi elaborado pelo Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE), por CNPJ e com base nas informações fornecidas pela Indústria de Relógios Herweg S.A. por meio do e-Social Rais do ano de 2022 e da Declaração de Igualdade Salarial preenchida no Portal Emprega Brasil, nos termos da Lei nº14.611/2023 e do Decreto nº11.795/2023.

Clique aqui e confira o relatório na íntegra.

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